2025 - DESLOGESdesign.

Legal notice


Who am I ?

I am Valentina DESLOGES owner of this website. You can contact me on contact page.


7 Les Landes
49140 Marcé
SIRET : 95384016200010 

Website host

451 878 128 RCS Grenoble
PHPNET France – Nuxit Groupe Magic Online
97 – 97 Bis rue Général Mangin
38100 Grenoble
+33(0)4 86 57 60 00

Website usage

This website had been created to promote DESLOGESdesign. company services and to get in touch with customers.


The Website accessible at the address deslogesdesign.com (the “Site”), including the general structure of the Site, the texts, the data and the graphic elements, animated or not, constitute works which are protected as such by intellectual property laws. No element of the Site may be modified, reproduced, displayed, presented, distributed or used for public or commercial purposes.

The protected works reproduced on the Site and not belonging to the Company have been the subject of an express and prior authorization of reproduction from the holder of the rights.

The hypertext links set up to other sites, mainly to the sites of the Company’s partners, have been subject to express and prior authorization. The links being provided for the personal convenience of Internet users, the Company has no control over these sites and accepts no responsibility with regard to them, the pages remaining the sole responsibility of their owners.
The reproduction of a page of the Site in a frame not belonging to the Company or the insertion of a page belonging to the Company in the page of a site not belonging to the Company is prohibited.