2025 - DESLOGESdesign.

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🔗 What do these products have in common?If you were thinking about the adjective “design” I will explain why it should be avoided. ✨These objects have a history, a durability that elevates them to the rank of timeless creations, shaped …

Since AI driving still seems far too dangerous, it seems that the major truck manufacturers are rethinking the service differently. It was while mission testing the EuroTruck Simulator 2 game, that viability of distant driving appeared to me as frightening …

As an automotive design enthusiast, I am constantly inspired by icons of the past. One of these iconic vehicles that marked its era is the Ligier JS2. Having worked at Ligier some time ago, let me help you (re)discover the …

We, 21st century human beings, are confronted to the most important pandemic since years and years. The COVID-19 give us a hard time confinement. More than 2 billion people are now living all the time in their houses. It means, …

Last weekend I was at Geneva to analyse the automotive market and I saw beautiful things that I want to share with you. First of all, I’m going to write about the best projects and products for me but there …

Blog /  car / event / historic car / lifestyle / news / photography / software / studies / transportation / travel